Embrace the Joy of May: Celebrating Beltane and New Beginnings 🌸

May 1st beckons us with its promise of new beginnings and abundant fertility. Across cultures, this day marks the joyful onset of summer, teeming with vibrant celebrations of life, love, and renewal.

Welcome to the month of May, where the air is ripe with the energy of fertility and boundless possibilities. It is a time when the spirit of Mother Mary whispers healing and heart-opening blessings upon us all.

One of my favorite ways to honor this season is through the ancient tradition of Beltane or May Day. This fiery festival ignites our senses with bonfires, dancing around the Maypole, and an exuberant outpouring of primal energy. Originally symbolizing the union of masculine and feminine energies, the Maypole stands tall amidst a riot of colors and laughter, weaving a tapestry of joy and fertility.

Years ago, I embraced this tradition by crafting my own Maypole, a beacon of celebration perched atop my roof. I was teaching a class in spirituality for a group of young children, so this fit in perfectly. As the children danced around it, their laughter and movement adorned the sky with a quilt of colors, a testament to the vibrancy of spring and the abundance of life. And the adults had a great time too. Watch our joyful celebration unfold here!

Beltane is a time to honor the sacred union of Earth and sky, where offerings of gratitude usher in blessings of health, fertility, and abundance. From the ancient Celts driving cattle through balefire smoke to the Romans adorning their hair with flowers, each tradition echoes the timeless rhythm of nature's fertility.


Let us embrace the spirit of giving by sharing flowers adorned with ribbons, each carrying wishes for the season ahead. Give them to friends, family and strangers. This act of kindness harkens back to the early peace marches in New York, where daffodils were symbols of hope and unity for a better world.

You can also write wishes for the season on cards or stones and give these out as well. And remember, as the morning dew kisses your face, it bestows upon you the beauty and vitality of the season, a gentle reminder of the magic that surrounds us.

As we welcome early summer's warmth and vitality, (in the northern Hemisphere) may we dance with joy, embrace new beginnings, and nurture the seeds of fertility within our hearts and minds.

With love and blessings,

Embrace Freedom, Connect with Earth: Join Us in Building Bridges

How do we celebrate freedom when so many are enslaved? How do we honor the Earth in the face of destruction?

In these challenging times, the answer lies in coming together to build bridges of connection. We are the custodians of the Earth, entrusted with the responsibility to treat our planet and each other with respect and gratitude.

Recently, we gathered for a Passover Seder where we embarked on a journey of reflection and renewal. We began with a moment of meditation, opening our hearts to compassion and understanding. Each person broke off a piece of matzah, symbolizing our collective pain and sadness, yet also our resilience and strength.

As we blessed these broken pieces with love and peace, we reaffirmed our commitment to healing ourselves and the world around us. We shared our visions for Earth's restoration and pledged to take meaningful action, whether it be reducing plastic waste, volunteering in our communities, or planting trees.

This spirit of connection and action extends beyond our gatherings. I invite you to join me on transformative journeys to ancient lands and cultures. On April 27th, we will explore ancient Egyptian rituals at the Metropolitan Museum, connecting with timeless wisdom and practices. Then, on September 29th, we embark on a spiritual journey to India, delving into its rich traditions and teachings.

These experiences offer more than just travel; they provide opportunities for personal growth, resilience, and connection with like-minded individuals. Together, we can deepen our spiritual understanding and cultivate true abundance in our lives.

If you long for community and seek spiritual resources to enrich your journey, I invite you to join us. Let's celebrate freedom, honor the Earth, and embrace the transformative power of connection.

Until next time,

Cultivating Connection: Nurturing Spiritual Community

Today, I want to express my deep gratitude for the invaluable treasure of spiritual community. It's the heartbeat of our journey, a sanctuary where souls converge, and hearts find solace. I'm thrilled to share that I'll be expanding our circle with a range of offerings, blending the sacredness of in-person gatherings with the accessibility of online platforms. Together, we'll embark on transformative workshops, immersive retreats, and soul-stirring spiritual journeys, including an upcoming odyssey to the mystical lands of India.

But beyond the events and destinations, what truly enriches our shared path is the essence of togetherness. Once a month, my cherished friends and I gather, spanning decades of shared experiences since the vibrant 80s. We're a diverse tapestry of spiritual teachers, trauma specialists, artists, and playwrights, woven together by bonds that transcend time and space.

In our sacred gatherings, we hold space for each other and for the world. We come with open hearts, ready to share our pains, sorrows, joys, and triumphs. Amidst the storms of life, it's easy to feel adrift and alone. Yet, in the warmth of communal embrace, we find healing and restoration. Together, we transform wounds into wisdom, tears into hope, and fear into courage.

This sacred communion is my beacon of hope, illuminating the darkest corners of my being. It softens the edges of self-critique, fostering compassion and acceptance within. As I learn to love and embrace myself, flaws and all, I extend the same grace to others, fostering a culture of empathy and non-judgment.

Moreover, I am deeply blessed to be part of multiple spiritual communities, each contributing its unique essence to the tapestry of my journey. Through these diverse circles of friends and colleagues, I continue to grow, learn, and evolve, enriching my spiritual path with varied perspectives and shared wisdom.

As we journey forward, let us continue to nurture these sacred bonds, for in our collective strength lies the power to transform ourselves and the world.

And remember the wise words of Thich Nhat Hanh: "The Buddha of the future is the sangha” (sangha can refer to any community of like-minded individuals who support each other in their pursuit of common goals, whether spiritual or otherwise.

Until next time,

Struggling to Stay Balanced? Try These Simple Hacks! ⚖️

In a world that seems to spin faster every day, finding balance can feel like chasing a fleeting dream. But what if I told you that the key to regaining equilibrium lies within understanding and nurturing both sides of your brain?

The Left Brain Over-Dominant Syndrome

Are you the quintessential strategist, always seeking order amidst chaos? Perhaps you excel at taking charge and making logical decisions. While these qualities are undeniably valuable, leaning too heavily into them can limit your ability to see new solutions and can disrupt your ability to cultivate healthy relationships.

Signs of Left Brain Over-Dominance:

  • Lack of empathy

  • Overthinking every situation

  • Insistence on one right way of doing things

  • Difficulty connecting with intuition

  • Feeling the need to control every outcome

Antidotes to Rebalance:

  • Meditation: Quiet the mind and reconnect with your inner self.

  • Improv: Embrace spontaneity and think on your feet.

  • Creative Expression: Try activities like finger painting or dance without rules to tap into your creativity.

  • Exploration: Step outside your comfort zone by learning about astrology or numerology.

  • Letting Go: Dedicate one day a week to being completely spontaneous and free-flowing.

The Right Brain Over-Dominant Syndrome

On the flip side, being driven solely by emotions can lead to its own set of challenges. If you find yourself struggling to set goals or frequently becoming overwhelmed by the feelings of others, you might be experiencing right brain over-dominance.

Signs of Right Brain Over-Dominance:

  • Difficulty setting and achieving goals

  • Taking on others' emotions excessively

  • Procrastination and lack of follow-through

  • Dreaming without action

  • Disconnection from the logical world

Antidotes to Rebalance:

  • Grounding Practices: Engage in activities that connect you with the physical world, such as hiking or gardening.

  • Logical Challenges: Stimulate your mind with puzzles, crosswords, or learning about subjects that require logical thinking.

  • Critical Thinking: Question assumptions and ask yourself, "How do I know it's true?"

  • Structured Creativity: Explore detailed art forms like realism to blend creativity with structure.

  • Planning and Execution: Break down goals into manageable steps and take small, constructive actions towards them.

By recognizing the signs of imbalance and incorporating these practical tools into your life, you can find your way back to center and navigate the world with a newfound sense of equilibrium.

Remember, balance is not a destination but a journey—a continuous process of self-awareness and adjustment. Embrace it, and you'll find yourself better equipped to thrive in every aspect of life.

Here's to finding your balance! I have recorded some simple meditations to keep you on track: you can download them here.

Until next time,

Rediscover the Sacred Art of Rest: A Journey to Renewal

In a world where "busy" has become the default response to "How are you?", it's time to pause and ponder: When did being busy become a badge of honor, and rest an afterthought?

Wayne Muller eloquently captures this sentiment in his book "Sabbath: Restoring the Sacred Rhythm of Rest," where he highlights how our relentless pursuit of success and productivity has led us astray from the essential rhythm of life—the delicate balance between effort and rest.

But what if we dared to reclaim that balance? What if we carved out sacred time for ourselves, not just as a luxury but as a necessity for our well-being?

I recently embarked on this journey of self-care and renewal, and the results were nothing short of transformative. I gave myself the gift of sacred time—time to meditate, time to rest, time to simply exist without an agenda. And the profound effects were immediate.

Without the constraints of schedules or obligations, I found myself delving into moments of spontaneous creativity and rediscovering the simple joys of life. From leisurely strolls to impromptu gatherings with friends, I allowed myself to be fully present in the moment, embracing the nurturing energy of the universe.

One particularly memorable day took me through the vibrant streets of Chinatown, where I indulged in rejuvenating reflexology and savored a leisurely lunch with a dear friend. It was a day filled with serendipitous encounters and unexpected delights—a testament to the magic that unfolds when we surrender to the flow of life.

And amidst it all, I found solace in a deep tarot reading, unraveling the mysteries of my inner world with each card turned. It was a gentle reminder to trust in the universe and to embrace the inherent abundance of life.

As I reflect on this experience, I am reminded of a simple yet profound truth: When we expect the best and allow ourselves the joy of being alive, the universe conspires to support us in ways we never thought possible.

So, I invite you to join me in reclaiming the sacred art of rest. Let us carve out moments of stillness amidst the chaos, and in doing so, rediscover the boundless possibilities that lie within.

Here's to a life filled with joy, creativity, and the sacred rhythm of rest.

PS: Make sure to check out my Upcoming Events.

With love and light,

Embrace the Equinox: Renewal, Rebirth, and Self-Nourishment 🌱✨

As I wandered through the blooming magnolias of Seattle today, I couldn't help but feel the whispers of spring in the air—the gentle breeze carrying promises of rebirth and renewal. Can you feel it too?

With the vernal equinox upon us, we stand at the threshold of balance, where light and darkness harmonize, symbolizing new beginnings and endless possibilities. Despite the chaos and confusion in the world, nature offers us solace, reminding us of the cyclical nature of life and the promise of growth.

In this season of emergence, let us embrace the energy of renewal with a simple yet powerful ritual, designed to nourish our spirits and ignite our aspirations.

Nourish Yourself: Begin taking 6 pomegranate seeds (or any other ones), each representing a facet of your being:

  1. A seed for self-nourishment and self-esteem.

  2. A seed for creativity, passion, and vitality.

  3. A seed for compassion and gentleness of spirit.

  4. A seed for letting go and embracing wholeness.

  5. A seed for wisdom and understanding.

  6. A seed for honoring the cycles of life.

As you savor each seed, feel the energy coursing through you, awakening new potentials and possibilities. With one hand on your heart and the other on your belly, breathe deeply, grounding yourself in this moment of transformation.

Now, envision the life you desire—health, wealth, happiness, and success. Feel the warmth of love surrounding you as you embrace this new state of being.
To solidify this vision, craft a personal affirmation that resonates with your soul:

  • "I am loved and appreciated just for being me."

  • "I am abundance personified."

  • "I am wise, compassionate, and abundant in all aspects of my life."

  • "I am healthy, wealthy, and wise, embracing the beauty of every cycle."

Let this affirmation be your guiding light as you step into this season of growth and renewal.

May this equinox bring you balance, joy, and endless possibilities!

Share your affirmations with us! We'd love to celebrate your journey of self-discovery and growth together.

PS: Make sure to check out my Upcoming Events.

Until next time,

Let's Build Bridges, Not Walls

With the world so at war with each other, I thought it was time to share this story.

Once upon a time two brothers who lived on adjoining farms fell into conflict. It was the first serious rift in 40 years of farming side by side, sharing machinery, and trading labor and goods as needed without a hitch.

Then the long collaboration fell apart. It began with a small misunderstanding, and it grew into a major difference, and finally it exploded into an exchange of bitter words followed by weeks of silence.

One morning there was a knock-on John’s door. He opened it to find a man with a carpenter’s toolbox. “I’m looking for a few days’ work” he said. “Perhaps you would have a few small jobs here and there I could help with? Could I help you?”

“Yes,” said the older brother. “I do have a job for you. Look across the creek at that farm. That’s my neighbor, in fact, it’s my younger brother. Last week there was a meadow between us and he took his bulldozer to the river levee and now there is a creek between us.

Well, he may have done this to spite me, but I’ll go him one better. See that pile of lumber by the barn? I want you to build me a fence — an 8-foot fence — so I won’t need to see his place or his face anymore.”

The carpenter said, “I think I understand the situation. Show me the nails and the post-hole digger and I’ll be able to do a job that pleases you.”

The older brother had to go to town, so he helped the carpenter get the materials ready and then he was off for the day. The carpenter worked hard all that day measuring, sawing, and nailing. About sunset when the farmer returned, the carpenter had just finished his job.

The farmer’s eyes opened wide; his jaw dropped. There was no fence there at all. It was a bridge — a bridge stretching from one side of the creek to the other! 

A fine piece of work handrails and all — and the neighbor, his younger brother, was coming across, his hand outstretched. “You are quite a fellow to build this bridge after all I’ve said and done.” The two brothers stood at each end of the bridge, and then they met in the middle, taking each other’s hand. 

They turned to see the carpenter hoist his toolbox on his shoulder. “No, wait! Stay a few days. I’ve a lot of other projects for you,” said the older brother. “I’d love to stay on,” the carpenter said, “but, I have many more bridges to build.”

—Author Unknown

Let us remember that we are all living on this planet together. Our actions impact the environment and each other. 

As we focus on making this Earth a better place to live, let us build bridges  not fences.

PS: Make sure to check out my Upcoming Events.

Until next time,

Beyond Stereotypes: Embracing the Nuances of Feminine Energy

As we celebrate Women's History Month, I'm excited to delve into the timeless archetypes of the feminine. These archetypes, far beyond mere biological roles, resonate with us at different stages of our lives, guiding us on our journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

I've personally witnessed the transformative power of these archetypes through stories like Malala Yousafzai, who embodied the Amazon archetype in her courageous fight for girls' education, or my mother’s friend Gert, who embraced her Maiden energy with zest and vitality by taking up belly dancing at the age of 90. And you do not have to be a mother to birth a new project or business.

My dear friend and spiritual sister, Deborah Roth named them FemTypes. And we have explored many of them in past workshops and rituals.

Malala Yousafzai (photo by masala.com)

Let's take a closer look at each archetype:

Maiden: Symbolizing new beginnings and potential, the Maiden archetype embodies innocence, inspiration, and ambition. It's a time of dynamic energy and clear thinking, ripe with possibilities and fresh perspectives. 

Mother: Nurturing and creative, the Mother archetype represents fullness and compassion. It's a phase of nurturing and caring, where we find fulfillment in supporting and guiding others, fostering a sense of community and connection. 

Amazon/Queen: Assertive and powerful, the Amazon/Queen archetype exudes authority and passion. It's a time of intense focus and magic, where we harness our inner strength and intuition to shape our destiny and influence the world around us. I feel that I took on this energy when I started doing my IG lives and retreats.

Crone: Wise and introspective, the Crone archetype embodies wisdom and transformation. It's a period of deep introspection and release, where we embrace the unknown and draw upon our inner resilience to navigate life's challenges with grace and wisdom. 

As you reflect on these archetypes, I invite you to consider where you are in your own journey and how embracing these energies can unlock new possibilities in your life.

You also may be called to do a ritual to honor and embrace one or more of them. Reach out to me if you want to go deeper in your exploration.

Now, I'd like to extend a special invitation to you to join me on an unforgettable journey to India this September, where we'll dive even deeper into the energy of the Divine Feminine. Through meditation, journaling, ceremonies, and sacred rituals, we'll tap into the ancient wisdom of this land and awaken the full potential of the Divine Feminine within ourselves.

WATCH HERE to learn more about the 3 aspects of the Divine Feminine in the Hindu Tradition. 

Until next time,

Honoring Ancestors—a Personal Story

I woke up this morning remembering  a deeply moving experience that reminded me of the profound impact of connecting with our ancestral lineage and the transformative power of ritual. Allow me to share this journey with you.

During a sunrise ritual on the sacred waters of Varanasi, I found myself aboard a boat, surrounded by the ancient whispers of tradition. The priest guiding the ceremony offered us a poignant invitation: to honor any ancestors we wished to connect with. In that moment, I called upon the spirits of my father and sister and extended a heartfelt invitation to all ancestors willing to join.

Ancestor Ritual on the Ganges, 2016

As I opened myself to the experience, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace and connection envelop me. Despite the cultural differences, I sensed my ancestors' presence, their joy at being remembered transcending time and tradition. It was a powerful affirmation of the enduring bond between past and present, and the profound influence our ancestors continue to hold in our lives.

This experience reaffirmed my belief in the intricate web of connection that binds us to our lineage. Through rituals of remembrance and healing, we can honor our ancestors, acknowledge the patterns—both positive and negative—that have shaped us, and embark on a journey of transformation.

I invite you to explore the richness of your own ancestral heritage, to embrace the rituals that resonate with your soul, and to embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery. Whether you seek to release inherited patterns that no longer serve you or to deepen your connection with your ancestral roots, know that you are not alone.

As a practitioner dedicated to guiding individuals on their path to ancestral healing, I am here to offer support and guidance. Together, we can unravel the threads of the past, restructure the present, and pave the way for a brighter future.

In celebration of my father and mother's birthdays this week, I will be honoring their memory through some of my favorite rituals—a meal of their favorite foods, a bouquet of flowers just because my mother loved flowers, a song or two that we sang together, and moments of quiet remembrance.

May this serve as a gentle reminder of the power of ancestral connection and the transformative potential of ritual in our lives. In this way, we empower ourselves and the future generations.

Watch this video on honoring ancestors in Varanasi with Jai Varadaraj and me.

PS: Make sure to check out my Upcoming Events.

With love and gratitude,

Embodying the Divine: Channeling the Energy of Deities

Transformation can be both exciting and terrifying. Trust me, I understand. To move forward and experience real change, it's crucial to practice patience and stay present with what is. This prevents us from making decisions based on anxiety about the unknown or unresolved issues from the past.

Now is the time to turn inward and listen to your intuitive inner voice. Success often follows when we heed the dreams of our hearts and take practical steps to manifest them.

Personally, connecting with the energy of certain gods and goddesses has brought me clarity, healing, and renewed energy. If these practices aren't part of your tradition, you can think of them as archetypes embodying qualities you wish to cultivate.

For me, it's a mystical communion with the Divine. I light a candle, offer flowers, ground myself, and delve inward. I open myself to their guidance and record whatever insights or sensations come to me. It feels like tapping into Divine Wisdom. Then I act on what came through.

Here are some deities I work with regularly:

In the Hindu Tradition:

  • Ganesha: Overcoming obstacles.

  • Lakshmi: Wealth and good fortune

  • Sarasvati: Wisdom

  • Durga: Strength and boundaries

In the Ancient Egyptian Tradition:

  • Thoth: Communicating deepest truths effectively.

  • Sekhmet: Courage and healing

  • Isis: Opening the heart.

  • Hathor and Bast: Ritual and magic

  • Horus: Enhancing intuition and opening the third eye.

Stay tuned for future newsletters and videos where I'll delve into other deities and practices. And join me in person for more in depth experiences coming up soon. See the Upcoming Events page.

Until next time,

Exploring the Ancient Origins of Valentine's Day: A Journey Through History 💗

As Valentine's Day approaches, let's take a moment to uncover the rich tapestry of traditions and rituals that have shaped this holiday.

Lupercalia: Tracing Valentine's Day Back to Ancient Rome

Did you know that the roots of Valentine's Day can be traced back to the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia? This fertility celebration, held in mid-February, honored the coming of spring, fertility, and the nurturing of love. Priests would perform rituals involving the sacrifice of a goat and the gentle tapping of women with strips of its skin, symbolizing purification, and fertility blessings. While these customs may seem unconventional to us today, they were integral parts of ancient Roman culture and beliefs.

The Legend of Saint Valentine: Love in the Face of Adversity

One of the most enduring stories associated with Valentine's Day is that of Saint Valentine, a Christian priest who defied Emperor Claudius II's decree against marriage. Despite the risks, Valentine continued to perform marriages in secret, believing in the power of love to transcend obstacles. His compassionate actions, including the famous letter he wrote while in prison to the jailer's daughter signed "From your Valentine," exemplify the timeless ideals of love, sacrifice, and devotion.

Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve

In the Middle Ages in France and England the ritual of picking a single girl’s name out of an urn was a popular tradition. Once a bachelor picked a name,  then took it a step further though, and would draw a heart on his sleeve—which is where wearing your heart on your sleeve comes from! He would then commit to taking care of her for the whole year. An intriguing idea regardless of gender or sexual orientation………

Rituals Through the Ages: From Love Notes to Modern Expressions

Throughout history, expressions of love have taken myriad forms, from handwritten love notes exchanged between lovers to the rise of commercialized greeting cards in the 19th century. Each era has brought its own customs and traditions, reflecting the evolving nature of romance and affection. Today, technology allows us to connect instantly with loved ones through e-cards and messages, but the sentiment remains the same: a heartfelt expression of love and appreciation.

Celebrating Love: Rituals for Connection and Self-Care

As we prepare to celebrate Valentine's Day, let's not only honor our romantic relationships but also cultivate love and connection in all aspects of our lives. Whether it's through renewing our vows, practicing self-care, or expressing gratitude for the beauty of nature, let's embrace rituals that nourish our hearts and souls.

Join the Conversation

I invite you to join the conversation and share your thoughts on the ancient origins of Valentine's Day and the rituals that hold meaning for you. How do you celebrate love in your life, and what traditions do you cherish? Let's celebrate the spirit of Valentine's Day together, honoring love in all its forms.

PS: Make sure to check out our Upcoming Events.

With love and gratitude,

Embrace New Beginnings: Lunar New Year Rituals, Vision Boosters, and More!

Picture this: Chinese food, laughter, and brainstorming sessions that ignite your creativity. As my friend Liz quipped, "One from column A, one from column B"—a metaphor for exploring new paths toward your 2024 vision. This is a ritual that my friend Emil and I started in 2023 and it works!

In fact, one of the things that came out of our time together was the idea of Quarterly Vision Boosters and private Vision Experiences.

Stay tuned for in-person and online gatherings designed to ignite your vision and propel you forward. Want to host a Vision Booster in your city? Reach out to us at info@barbarabiziou.com for more details.

Get Ready for the Lunar New Year—February 10th, the Year of the Wooden Dragon!

As we welcome new beginnings, let's clear out the old to make space for abundance. It's time to declutter your home and your life, shedding what no longer serves you. Out with the old socks and chipped teacups—make room for fresh energy and opportunities!

Celebrate the Lunar New Year with Time-Honored Traditions!

  • Create an Altar: Decked in lucky colors—red, gold, silver, and white—to manifest your desires.

  • Indulge in Lucky Foods savor the flavors of prosperity and good fortune by eating longevity noodles, dumplings and vibrant oranges and tangerines. 

  • Connect with Loved Ones: Whether in person or through video calls, share the joy of the new year with family and friends.

  • Pay Tribute to Ancestors: Light a candle and honor the wisdom and guidance of those who came before us.

  • Experience the Festivities: Attend a local Lunar New Year Celebration or tune in online to soak in the energy of this auspicious occasion.

This is a year of experiences. What do you want to feel this year? As I have been saying, let your heart guide you, call in the resources you require to be spiritually aligned to your vision  and then let your brain figure out the strategy.


Our trip to India is one of the ultimate experiences I am offering this year…a private pilgrimage into the heart of the Divine Feminine during the festival of Navratri September 29th  - October 13th. I am only taking a small group, so space is limited. I will be holding Q and A’s to answer all of your questions. Please visit INDIA page for more details.

And I will be offering monthly teachings on the rituals and spirituality of India starting in March.

PS: Make sure to check out our Upcoming Events

Until next time,

Welcoming the Light With Candlemas Ritual 🕯️

Forget about furry forecasters and shadow sightings; let's delve into the enchanting realm of ancient traditions. February 2nd marks a pivotal moment not just for weather predictions but for spiritual transformation as well.

In the mystical tapestry of the Goddess Tradition, this day is known as Candlemas, or Imbolc, or Brigit's Day. Picture this: the Earth stirs from its wintry slumber, and so does the Goddess. She sheds her cloak of cronehood and emerges, radiant and youthful, as the maiden once more. It's a celestial ballet, this dance of transformation, unfolding precisely halfway between the darkness of the Winter Solstice and the light of the Spring Equinox.

While the groundhog ponders his shadow, we turn inward, guided by the ancient wisdom of Brigit, the Goddess of Poetry, Healing, and Smithcraft. As the fires of ancient bonfires crackle in homage to her, we too ignite our inner flames, embracing the poetic beauty of our existence, tending to the wounds of our souls, and forging anew the tools of our craft.

But here's the secret that the groundhog might not know: regardless of his shadowy antics, spring unfurls its petals precisely six weeks from today. For in the heart of every seeker, there lies a stirring—a call to confront our shadows, those slithering serpents of the soul, and reconcile the light and darkness within us before the verdant rebirth of springtime.

So, my fellow seekers of magic and wisdom, let us honor this sacred time not just with predictions of the weather but with rituals of self-discovery and empowerment. Let us heed the call of Brigit, weaving poetry with every step, tending to the garden of our souls, and embracing the divine spark of creation that flickers within each of us.

As the flames of our intentions rise high into the night sky, let us welcome the season of awakening with open hearts and spirits ablaze, for in the dance of the Goddess, we find the rhythm of our own souls.

Ritual for Candlemas

This is a time to rededicate yourself to Spirit.

It is tradition to light as many candles as you can to symbolically bring light to your life. I like to light one candle for each aspect I am imbuing. 

Start by saying the following statement aloud: “I now make a sacred covenant with Mother/Father God to live a powerful life and to accept myself as a unique voice of Spirit.”

Take a moment to center yourself and pray for the change you hope to bring into your life.

For example: “I light this candle to honor my relationships”,  “I light this candle to bring flexibility and strength into my body”, “I light this candle to triple my income this year”, “I light this candle to own my power”.

Visualize your life blossoming with love, creativity, health and joy.
PS Make sure to scroll down for the Upcoming Events

Until next time,

I See You!…..Honoring Presence

I am blessed to have a sacred community of women I meet with on a regular basis. Every gathering becomes a haven where we weave the threads of connection, holding space for vulnerability, sharing our triumphs, and basking in each other's joys. In this tapestry of shared experiences, I feel seen. This wealth of authentic connection and support is my true wealth: a wealth beyond measure. 

This is not a new concept as I was reminded as I recently read an article in the NY Times written by Rabbi Sharon Brous.

She describes “a pilgrimage ritual from the time of the Second Temple when hundreds of thousands of Jews would ascend to Jerusalem, the center of Jewish religious and political life. They would climb the steps of the Temple Mount and enter its enormous plaza, turning to the right en masse, circling counterclockwise.

Meanwhile, the brokenhearted, the mourners (and here I would also include the lonely and the sick), would make this same ritual walk but they would turn to the left and circle in the opposite direction: every step against the current.

And each person who encountered someone in pain would look into that person’s eyes and inquire: “What happened to you? Why does your heart ache?”
“My father died,” a person might say. “There are so many things I never got to say to him.” Or perhaps: “My partner left. I was completely blindsided.” Or: “My child is sick. We’re awaiting the test results.”

Those who walked from the right would offer a blessing: “May the Holy One comfort you,” they would say. “You are not alone.” And then they would continue to walk until the next person approached.

This timeless wisdom speaks to what it means to be human in a world of pain. This year, you walk the path of the anguished. Perhaps next year, it will be me. I hold your broken heart knowing that one day you will hold mine.”

Being in community is a way to presence yourself as my friend Lera would say. And on that note, come join me and a fabulous community of conscious seekers at VISION 2024 January 27-28. Reconnect to old friends and make new ones. It is your chance to hold space for others as they hold space for you.

Until next time,

What I learned from my first Spiritual Teacher

In the dance of creation, shedding the old is an inevitable step towards welcoming the new. Embracing change is not just a choice; it's the catalyst for unlocking your true potential. Here is what I learned from my first Spiritual Teacher that helps me navigate change. 

1. The Power of Letting Go: Transforming Anxiety into Excitement
Saying goodbye to the past can be both thrilling and nerve-wracking as we navigate the unknown. Remember, you cannot outperform your old self-image. The past is over, and the canvas for your future masterpiece is waiting to be painted.

2. Dive into the Ocean of Light: A Technique for Renewal
I invite you to try a rejuvenating technique inspired by my teacher, Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov. Find a quiet space, lie down, and imagine sinking into an ocean of light. Feel the tension leaving every cell of your body as you recharge your batteries for 3-5 minutes. It's a simple yet profound way to soothe your nervous system and open yourself to change.

3. Commit to Transformation: Guiding Your Desires into Reality
Making a commitment to your Higher Self is the first step towards manifesting your desires. As you embrace change, you'll be guided to the best possible path for your journey. And the fastest way to do this? Through support – spiritual, emotional, and physical.

4. Triad of Support: Elevate Your Journey

  • Spiritual Support: Align with your Higher /Wisdom Self, Spirit, The Quantum Field. A Seek the company of spiritually uplifting individuals who speak the truth and propel you forward.

  • Emotional Support: Embrace the power of vulnerability. Share your journey with those who genuinely care and understand the depths of your aspirations.

  • Physical Support: Form partnerships with those who possess the knowledge and resources needed to breathe life into your vision.

5. Unlock New Possibilities: Seek Support and Soar
 Every request for help sets new possibilities in motion. Don't shy away from seeking the support you need. In the synergy of shared wisdom and energy, you'll find the keys to unlock doors you never knew existed.

6. Subject Yourself to Change and Emerge Stronger!
Remember, change is not the end; it's the beginning of something extraordinary. Commit yourself to the transformative power of letting go and emerge stronger, more vibrant, and ready to manifest your vision.
Here's to your journey of transformation!

PS Make sure to check out our Upcoming Events.

Until next time,

Don't Miss Out On A Blessing...🦋

Many years ago when life threw me a curveball, I didn't back down—I transformed it into an extraordinary adventure! Picture this: ready to start my dream job in Rome, only for it to vanish 10 days before takeoff. But instead of surrendering to disappointment, I trusted my instincts and forged ahead (even though I was terrified!).

With just a modest graduation gift from my parents, I turned adversity into opportunity, unlocking a path that led me to the heart of the film industry. Surrounded by incredible individuals, many of whom continue to shape my life, I eventually found myself in the vibrant city of London.

Lesson learned? While setting clear goals is crucial, my journey has taught me to remain open to unexpected opportunities. The Universe's gifts often come in unexpected packages, and by embracing the unknown, I've discovered a world of possibilities beyond my wildest dreams.

Now, join me on a voyage of limitless potential, where trusting the journey can lead to unimaginable success. Let's break free from constraints, explore new horizons, and uncover the hidden treasures that await us. Together we can support each other.

“The man whispered, God, speak to me, and a meadowlark sang.
But the man did not hear.
The man looked around, hearing nothing so the man yelled, “God, speak to me! And the thunder rolled across the sky.
But the man did not listen.
The man looked around and said, God let me see you”
And a star shined brightly.
But the man did not notice.
And the man shouted,
“God show me a miracle!” and a life was born.
But the man did not know. So, the man cried out in despair, touch me, God and let me know you are here!”
Whereupon, God reached down and touched the man, but the man brushed the butterfly away and walked on.”

 —Author unknown

Don't miss out on a blessing because it isn't packaged the way that you expect.

PS Make sure to check out our Upcoming Events.

Until next time,


Embrace The Power Of Grace And Ignite Your Vision In 2024!

Happy New Year! I hope this message finds you in great spirits as we embark on a journey into the possibilities that 2024 holds for each of us.

As we step into this dynamic transformative year, I've been reflecting on the concept of grace. It's fascinating how the universe aligns messages, and when a dear friend and Gurumayi both emphasized the theme of "Grace" for 2024, it struck a chord deep within me.

Grace, often described as unmerited divine assistance, is a gift from the universe that requires only our openness to receive it. It's a reminder to let go of feelings of unworthiness and the belief that we've somehow missed the mark. In the spirit of grace, let's embrace the new year with open hearts and a willingness to receive the abundance that awaits.

This year holds the energy of alignment and untapped potential. It invites us to shed self-doubt and over-analysis. It's a call to transform criticism into perception and unlock the doors to our dreams. If a breakthrough is what we seek, it begins with a shift in mindset and a commitment to real action. It is a year that can be both joyful and abundant and calls for us to be in community.

Join me on January 27th and 28th for VISION 2024, a live online event that promises inspiration, insights, and a community of like-minded individuals. Together, we'll explore the transformative power of grace and delve into practices that connect us to both earthly and higher frequencies.

Our incredible guest presenters include:

1. Lavinia Errico: Unveiling MOVEJOY, combining breathwork and movement.
2. Rebecca Gordon: Offering an astrological overview of 2024.
3. Emil Wilbekin: Sharing his journey of manifesting and building resilience as a professor, journalist, and activist.
4. Glendy Yeung: Immersing you in a healing sound bath experience.

During Vision 2024, I'll be sharing powerful spiritual techniques and rituals, guiding you through practices to access both earthly and higher soul frequencies. Additionally, we'll come together to create vision collages and connect with like-minded individuals worldwide in small breakout sessions.

This is your opportunity to claim your creative talents, embrace the new, and find partnerships that truly support both you and our planet. Let's make 2024 a year of growth, community, and personal breakthroughs. Secure your spot for VISION 2024 now and step into a year filled with inspiration and transformation. 

Wishing you a year filled with grace, peace, abundance, and the realization of your deepest visions.

With excitement and anticipation,

Embrace 2024 with 12 Powerful Rituals and Exclusive Opportunities! 🎆

As we approach the end of 2023, it's time to consciously release the energy of the past year and welcome the new possibilities that 2024 holds for each of us. Here are 12 transformative rituals to help you consciously end this year and step into the new one with intention and purpose:

1. Release the Old: Clear out clutter and symbolically let go of the past.
Explore traditions from around the world for inspiration. Here are a few I love, and I will be posting more on my IG and FB pages this week.

Italian Street Sharing:
Channel the Italian tradition of letting go by placing unwanted items on the street (or recycle) for others to claim. Embrace the communal spirit of street shopping.

Thai Water Renewal:
Adopt the Thai custom of using water for cleansing and renewal. Splash water out of doors or windows (be mindful of passers-by!) or into public fountains to symbolize a fresh start.

Cuban Cleansing Gesture:
Follow the Cuban tradition by taking a bucket of symbolic dirty water, representing the past year's negativity, and throw it into the street. Make it a grand, dramatic gesture to declare you're DONE with the bad stuff.

Native American Earth Release:
Connect with nature using a Native American-inspired ritual. Find a meaningful outdoor spot, dig a small hole, and place regrets, fears, or worries from the past year into it. Cover with leaves or stones, allowing the earth to absorb the past. If the ground is too hard, shred or burn the representation in a fire-proof bowl.

2. Clear Your Altar:

  • Make your sacred space inviting for positive energy.

  • Wash your crystals, simplify your altar, and create space for new energy.

3. Forgive and Make Amends: Extend apologies and rectify situations to open communication.

4. Unplug and Reflect:

  • Take a day of silence to connect with your inner self.

  • Make sure you honor your body’s rhythms and needs.

5. Purify Your Home:

  • Use sage, copal, or fresh lemon to cleanse your space.

  • Take a refreshing bath with sea salt and white rose petals.

6. Bless:

  • Send blessings to your life, loved ones, and the world.

  • Spread positive energy with appreciation cards.

7. Invite Good Luck: Decorate with lucky symbols like bamboo and money trees.

8. Give Back: Volunteer, recycle, and contribute to the positive energy of the world.

9. Eat for Luck: Embrace lucky foods like grapes, noodles, and round fruits.

10. Welcome Prosperity: Follow a unique tradition of throwing money into your home/office for good luck - watch my video on IG or FB on Dec 31st to see how.

As we gear up for 2024, I invite you to join me on an enriching journey:

My spiritual teacher Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov taught me that the first 12 days of the year set an intention for the entire year so I will be sending out 12 free meditations starting on January 1st to help you enter the New Year strong and grounded. If you have friends who would enjoy these, have them sign up for this newsletter and they will automatically receive them.

Wishing you a transformative end to 2023 and an exciting beginning to 2024!

With love and light,

Embracing the Winter Solstice ❄️

Dear friend, take a deep breath as we enter this sacred time of the Winter Solstice, a moment of transition and renewal. Amidst the noise and chaos of 2023, let's pause for quiet reflection and inner nourishment.

Winter Solstice: A Sacred Gateway In the Northern Hemisphere (Summer Solstice in the Southern), we stand on the brink of external and internal change. It's a time to go inward, to ignite our inner light, and embrace the shortest day and longest night of the year.

A Time of Rebirth and Reflection across cultures, the Winter Solstice symbolizes the birth of a sun child— the Egyptian deity Isis gave birth to Horus, the sun god; the Greek Leto gave birth to a shining Apollo. In the matriarchal religions, the rebirth of the goddess herself as celebrated-Persephone, Besana, Amaterasu, and Sun Woman. Mother Nature invites us to release beliefs and habits contributing to chaos, paving the way for abundance and joy.

Hold the Light for Yourself and Others As we approach this transformative time, remember that the world needs your light. In the words of India Arie,

"I am light, I am light
I am not the things my family did
I am not the voices in my head
I am not the pieces of the brokenness inside.
I am light

I'm not the mistakes that I have made
Or any of the things that caused me pain
I am not the pieces of the dream I left behind.
I am light

I am not the color of my eyes
I am not the skin on the outside
I am not my age
I am not my race, my soul inside is all light
All light
I am divinity defined
I am the god on the inside
I am a star
A piece of it all
I am light."

Be a beacon of positivity and change.

PS: Make sure to check out my Upcoming Events.

Until next time,

Turning Goals into Achievements: Your Blueprint for the Rest of 2023

As we stand on the cusp of a new year, the cosmic energies of the upcoming New Moon in Sagittarius beckon us to embark on a journey of self-discovery, freedom, and optimism. In the spirit of this celestial alignment, I invite you to join me in unlocking the boundless potential available currently.

Crafting a Vision for a Fulfilling Life: Begin to consider a new or expanded vision that propels you toward a more expansive existence. Which area of your life is ready for growth and transformation? Identify where you may feel limited or restricted and, more importantly, question who or what is imposing these limitations. Your journey to self-discovery begins with these profound inquiries.

Igniting Inspiration for a Meaningful Life: The month of December is a great time to seek inspiration as the catalyst for a purposeful life. What stirs your soul? What ignites the fire within you? Embracing inspiration is the key to crafting a life rich in meaning and fulfillment.

Embracing Truth and Ethical Living: Sagittarius, the ruler of ethics, prompts us to examine our lifestyles. Are our actions in alignment with our professed values? What do we truly stand for? It's time to confront the truth within and align our choices with our deepest convictions.

Navigating Mercury Retrograde: As we navigate the cosmic currents, Mercury Retrograde (Dec 12- Jan 1) invites us to slow down, reflect on the past, and ensure the secure backing up of all aspects of our lives. Take the time needed to navigate this period mindfully. Mercury does not go direct until January, so let this time be one of exploration and completion rather than initiation.

Join me on this transformative journey as we countdown to 2024. Together, let's embrace the cosmic energies, stand in our truth, and move forward with renewed vigor.

Follow me on social media for updates on upcoming events and rituals to both end the year consciously and open new energy for 2024. Your path to enlightenment awaits!

PS: Make sure to check out our Upcoming Events.

In cosmic synergy,